The guys did very well placing third behind Litchfield and Atwater-Cosmos- Grove City (ACGC).
Conditions were not real bad for as early in the year as it was. It was partly cloudy and 50 degrees with a little bit of wind.
Paynesville's Jeff Voss took both the 110-meter high hurdles and the 300-meter hurdles. Voss also placed second in the pole vault.
Senior Josh Jones was back in action after missing a couple of weeks due to a pulled muscle. Jones placed first in the triple jump and third in the long jump.
Paynesville's 1,600-meter relay team did really well taking second place with an outstanding time of 3:34.62. For this time of year, when everyone is getting into shape, this was a really great time.
The 1,600-meter relay team members are: Jones, Voss, Eric Rausch, and Luke Trees.
Paynesville's next meet will be on Thursday, April 22, in Willmar.
Team scores
1. ACGC 133
2. Litchfield 125
3. Paynesville 78
4. LPGE 62.5
5. BKMS 58.5
6. Cathedral 53.5
7. Dassel-Cokato 50.5
8. Annandale 45
9. BDRSH 44
10. EVW-K 36
Individual results
110-meter hurdles: Jeff Voss, first, 15.67; Troy Wendlandt, seventh, 16.95;
3,200-meter relay: Paynesville, third, 9:07.28;
400-meter run: Eric Rausch, sixth, 54.2;
3,200-meter run: Clayton Lang, fifth, 10:47.2; Adam Utsch, seventh, 11:19.0;
800-meter run: Luke Trees, fourth, 2:08.15;
1,600-meter relay: Paynesville (Josh Jones, Voss, Trees, Rausch), third, 3:34.62;
Pole vault: Voss, second, 10' 6"; Glenz, fourth, 9' 0"; Zac Spates, eighth, 8' 6";
Shot put: Steve Flint, fifth, 41' 1";
300-meter hurdles: Voss, first, 41.95;
400-meter relay: Paynesville, eighth, 50.16;
800-meter relay: Paynesville, fifth, 1:41.35;
High jump: Luke Trees, third, 5' 8"; Josh Trees, fourth, 5' 8";
Long jump: Jones, third, 19' 3.25";
Triple jump: Jones, first, 38' 10.25".