Coach Mooney described the season as very successful. He said that very few second year programs can say they won seven games.
The awards for the year are as follows:
Team MVP: Jeremy Curran
Best Offensive Player: Dustin Looman
Best Defensive Player: Kurt Habben
Most Improved: Eric Habben
Hardest Worker: Mike Losinski
Unsung Heroes: Eric and Kurt Habben
The team will lose nine seniors this year. Due to this, it is unlikely a junior varsity team will be fielded next year.
The seniors graduating this year are: Jason Kiawa, New London/Spicer; Dustin Looman, John Manthei, Ryan Mackedanz, and Kurt Habben, Paynesville; and John Thompson, Jeremy Curran, Nathan Becker, and Dustin Weber, Rocori.
Captains for next year’s team will be Scott Fritz and Brad Koultes, with Brett Theisen being an alternate captain.