The council approved an eight cent increase in water rates for bulk users, 2,001 gallons and above. Rates for multi units (apartments) will remain the same, $13.63 per 2,000 gallons.
This year the sewer rates and sewer debt service rates were listed on the bills separately. On the 1999 bills, the two will be listed as one. The amount may appear larger, but the total is the same. As an example, the flat sewer rates for a household were $8.98 and the debt service rate was $7. On the first bill in 1999, the bill will read $15.98, the total of the two combined.
Users discharging waste water with BOD5 levels in excess of normal domestic sewage usage (AMPI and Master Mark) will be charged 2.5 cents per pound, times the number of days in the billing cycle. The number of pounds of BOD shall be based upon a minimum of two 24-hour composite samples.
Ron Mergen, public works director, explained the 2.5 cent surcharge will help pay for the new wind powered circulators at the city lagoons.
In other business:
•The council approved the proposed budget of $1,207,969 for 1999.
•The council approved the net tax levy of $418,113 for 1999.
•The council approved an EDAP loan from the revolving loan fund to Louis Industries in the amount of $75,000 with Paynesville Township also contributing $75,000.
•The council approved declaring a 1983 Chevrolet three-quarter ton pickup as surplus property and will advertise it for bids.
•The council approved hiring Kenneth Reiman as a new firefighter effective Dec. 24.
•The council approved the following cigarette and liquor licenses for 1999:
Cigarettes: Koronis Lanes, American Legion Post #271, Jim’s Standard Service, Paynesville Municipal Off-Sale, Paynesville Farmer’s Union Co-op, Joel’s Jack & Jill Store, G&T Foods, Denne’s Dog Haus, Casey’s General Store, H&L Express, and Corner Drug.
Liquor license: Denne’s Dog Haus
Club license: American Legion Post #271.