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Paynesville Press - December 5, 2001
Winter storm dumps snow on area |
Mel Jones of Paynesville Excavating has hauled and plowed snow for 42 years and can never remember getting so much at once. "I think it's worse than '75," agreed Joe Kremer, another long-time resident and member of the city maintenance crew. A house on South Street had a hard time seeing out of their front window as the snow overhang from the roof nearly touched the snow drift on the ground. Bub Hartmann, who has plowed the city streets since 1957, said the area might have gotten as much snow before at once, but previous snowfalls of this magnitude were light snows from Canada Clippers that were "half as hard to plow." Because of the snow and drifting and the lack of a local weather expert, the actual amount of snow that fell will never be known exactly. St. Cloud reported getting about 14 inches of snow and Willmar got nearly 30 inches. Paynesville is somewhere in between. Certainly the area got 20 inches. It's more than likely we got at least 24 inches. Jones even heard one report of 27 inches. "It's hard to tell," he conceded. "We had a lot of snow." The snow disrupted all activity on Tuesday and continued its influence the rest of the week. Nurses stayed overnight at both the Paynesville Area Health Care System and the Good Samaritan Care Center on Monday night and worked another shift on Tuesday before heading home. Some employees even came prepared on Monday night by bringing pajamas with them to work. School let out early on Monday, was cancelled on Tuesday, and started late on Wednesday.
Jeff Mackedanz delivered some mail on a route around downtown Paynesville while the snow flew on Tuesday. The post office has delivered mail just in the downtown area five times in the past 23 years, according to former postmaster Harold Morris. Only twice has mail not been delivered at all because the trucks bringing it from St. Cloud didn't arrive. Regular mail delivery resumed on Wednesday, added Severance, except to mailboxes that were damaged by plowing or buried in snow. The area got so much snow at once that snowplowers worked to clear it for days. Kremer started plowing on the city streets at 2 a.m. on Tuesday morning, as usual. An hour later he called another crew member, Bob Wander, and by 4 a.m. they had called Ron Mergen, public works director. Normally it takes four hours for the city crew to clear the downtown streets, but last week it took 26 hours. Hartmann said they plowed the city streets the first time in seven hours. Usually it takes four hours with two rigs and up to six hours with a heavy snow. But they had to plow again because the snow kept falling. "We had a foot of snow after we plowed (the first time)," said Hartmann. "We had to redo and redo and redo." Snowplowers, like everyone who shoveled or used a snowblower, discovered that the snow was heavy and difficult to move. "Oh, it was heavy," said Mergen. "When you took off the top layer, the bottom four inches turned to water. Then when you took that off it turned to ice." Part of the problem downtown was getting traction to blow the heavy snow into trucks, so it could be hauled out of town. The city crew also uses chains on its skid loader to gain traction when moving snow. Last week, two sets of chains broke because the snow was so difficult to move. "It was bad snow," explained Hartmann. "Heavy. Awful hard to plow. Anyone who has a snowblower can tell you the same thing." "It's about the worst snow we ever worked with," agreed Jones. Just like shovelers who found half the snow sticking to the shovel, hauling the snow was more difficult because snow stuck to the bucket when loading and in the back of the truck when dumping.
Bob Brauchler of Corner Floral lifts the Christmas tree back into place in the Kindness Garden after it was blown over by the winds. Hartmann added that the snow was so heavy that it sucked the heavy equipment off the road. City crews and contractors worked throughout the work week to clear the snow. "We're still not done," said Mergen on Friday. "We've still got a lot of intersections to clean out. A lot of side streets to widen." Jones and his crew were still hauling snow on Friday as well. "The fun," he understated, "kind of wears off after a couple days." The city hauls its snow to the Setterberg turkey farm on the other side of the river. "We've probably got as much out there now as we usually do all winter," said Jones on Friday. Hartmann was planning to plow again on Monday. Aided by the warm temperatures, he hoped to cut some of the ice from the streets. Jones reminded the public to be cautious when driving near anyone working with snow. The plower is likely to be concentrating on moving the snow, and the driver needs to be responsible and not get in the way. Hartmann agreed that the amount of overnight traffic has greatly increased over the years. "Years ago," he explained, "we'd go out at night and not see a soul." Still, despite all the phone calls from residents and all the work last week, Mergen was pleased with how things went. "Considering how tough the snow was, I think it went pretty well," he said. "Residents, for the most part, were cooperative and patient."
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