The school will receive $.15 for every qualifying General Mills cereal box top collected between now and March 31, 1997. A qualifying box top is the top flap of any General Mills cereal box that has the 1996/97 Big G Box Tops for Education symbol or a "better if used by date" of April 1997 or later.
Students are excited about the program and have set a goal of 7,000 box tops. The students encourage families and friends to pitch in and collect box tops for the good of the school. Anyone interested in collecting box tops can send them with a PAES student or drop them in specially marked grocery bags at local grocery stores.
"This is an opportunity for parents, teachers, students and senior citizens to join together and raise money for our school. It only takes a couple of seconds and our kids will really benefit," principal Gary Heineman said. "All you have to do is look for the Box Tops logo, cut out the top of the box and send them to school. It's that easy."
Eligible cereals include most General Mills cereals. Do not submit Betty Crocker points, the UPC symbol or the wrong side of the box. Clip the top of the box and include the cereal brand name and the education logo.
Any questions should be directed to Velda Larson, 320-243-3886.
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