Pete Carlson, city engineer, informed the council that SEH took several soil borings on Mill Street, starting at the intersection of Lake Street and extending west on Mill Street. "We did not find any contaminated soil (gas smell) until reaching the 15-foot depth. Our sanitary sewer lines are usually installed at eight feet. We also took a sample 50 feet away and 100 feet away. At 50 feet, the results were the same, nothing until 15 feet. At a distance of 100 feet away, we didn't find anything," Carlson said.
Ron Mergen, public works director, said he did not know the concentration of the gas level but it does not appear to be a problem for the project.
Mayor Jeff Thompson asked if the city was responsible for removing any contaminated soil from the area since the street would be open for excavation during the project.
"We are checking into the legal responsibility," Carlson said. "We don't know if there would be funds available to remove contaminated soil. If the project is conceivable, how far down do we dig?" he asked.
Carlson told the council he hoped to have an answer to their questions by the next meeting (Nov. 10).
The council approved setting a public hearing for Wednesday, Nov. 24, for the purpose of reviewing overdue bills and have the county place them on the individuals tax statement. Overdue bills includes: garbage, water and sewer, snow removal, and mowing.
The council approved setting Nov. 9, 29, and 30 as special meeting dates to review the 2000 city budget. The council will meet at 6 p.m. in the council chambers.
The council approved participating in the U.S. Census Bureau's new construction program for the 2000 census. The Census Bureau wants to ensure that it accounts for addresses not identifid in earlier activities. This program would identify housing units for which basic conruction will be completed by census day, April 1, 2000.
The council approved new gambling and liquor licenses for the Paynesville American Legion.