On Tuesday, Nov. 2, voters will chose board members for the Paynesville Area Hospital District. Contested races are
for the at-large representative (between incumbent Carolyn Swyter and Doug Ruhland, who currently represents the city
of Eden Valley on the board) and for Eden Lake Township (between incumbent Joe Gruenes and challenger Ross Amundson). The entire hospital district - cities of Eden Valley, Lake Henry, Paynesville, Regal, Richmond, Roscoe, and St. Martin and townships of Eden Lake, Paynesville, Roseville, Union Grove, and Zion will vote for the at-large representative
At-Large Representative
Carolyn Swyter

Carolyn Swyter, 61, lives in Paynes-ville and has worked at a bank for 41 years. She was appointed to the hospital board in 1986 when it was still owned by the city and has served as the at-large representative since the hospital district was formed in 1992.
Why are you interested
in serving on the hospital board?
To serve the community and to give something back to the community that I have been a part of for 52 years. Hopefully, I can contribute something and that may make a difference. We need independent, local health care providers such as PAHCS.
What leadership strengths would
you bring to the hospital board?
I have experience gained over the past 27 years, serving as Chamber president, vice president of the development and corporation, chair of the PAHCS Foundation, vice chair of the PAHCS board, current member of the financial committee, and lessons I have learned as a trustee for the past 10 years. I have attended over a dozen hospital board trustee conferences, which presented many opportunities to learn about hospital board governance and the many issues facing hospitals today.
Why would you best represent
the entire hospital district
on the board?
I have worked with people from the entire hospital district and believe I can take the concerns of all when making decisions as a trustee on the hospital district board. I believe the at-large representative has a duty to always look at the big picture and do what is best for the district as a whole.
At-Large Representative
Doug Ruhland

Doug Ruhland, 52, is an attorney who has represented the city of Eden Valley on the hospital board since 1995. Moving from the city limits of Eden Valley prompted Ruhland to run for the at-large representative to the board.
Why are you interested
in serving on the hospital board?
My biggest pleasure of serving on the board is watching the hospital grow into what it is today. When I first served on the board, it was only a small hospital with the Koronis Manor attached. I think the city is very pleased with the growth also.
What leadership strengths would
you bring to the hospital board?
I presently serve as treasurer of the board. I am on the personnel committee and also serve as the treasurer of the newly founded foundation board.
Why would you best represent
the entire hospital district
on the board?
I feel my presence on the board is well known. By working at the bank for over 40 years, I am well known in the community. I am busy with the Senior Center, singing groups, church, and this gets me out into the different areas that I serve for the hospital district. Plus, I have 18 years experience on the board going for me.
Eden Lake Township
Ross Amundson

Ross Amundson, 48, works as an attorney with a law office in Paynes-ville and lives on Rice Lake in Eden Lake Township, where he has lived for ten years.
Why are you interested
in serving on the hospital board?
Growing up in a small community (Starbuck, Minn.) and having spent nearly my entire professional career in this area, I understand the importance and need to have quality healthcare professionals and facilities in the community. As a result, I believe that PAHCS is a vital part of our community. I would like to use my skills to help make sure that PAHCS is part of our community for years to come.
What leadership strengths would
you bring to the hospital board?
I believe that my experience as an attorney and my involvement either leading or playing a leadership role for many community and civic organizations has taught me that the key to being a good leader is to be a good listener. I also think my training and education has taught me to hear both sides of an issue, ask questions, and then make a decision based on that information. So, by listening, I intend to make good decisions and effectively communicate those decisions to those I represent.
Why would you best represent
the entire hospital district
on the board?
I understand what a board should do. It should not try to manage day-to-day operations but rather the board should provide direction. The board members should listen to the people that elect them and communicate their thoughts and ideas. I believe I have those skills.
Eden Lake Township
Joe Gruenes

Joe Gruenes, 64, has represented Eden Lake Township on the hospital board for two years. A retired farmer, he previously served 18 years on Eden Lake Township Board of Supervisors.
Why are you interested
in serving on the hospital board?
I have been on the PAHCS board for almost two years. I was appointed to the finance committee six months ago. It has taken me a while to understand the issues facing the PAHCS board. I believe that I can now make informed decisions for the future. I have enjoyed being on the board and would like to serve another term.
What leadership strengths would
you bring to the hospital board?
I have been in leadership positions before. I was on the Eden Lake Township board for 18 years. I was chairman for about 12 of those years. Also, I made many leadership decisions during my 40 years of farming.
Why would you best represent
the entire hospital district
on the board?
I am interested in the future of PAHCS. My past experiences on this board - as well as several others, namely Eden Lake Township board, Forest City Creamery Board, Assumption Parish Council, and REA Advisory Board - make me a good candidate for this position.
(Editor's Note: Profiles of these contested hospital board races will continue in the Press next week, along with additional election coverage.
(Editor's Note: The Press's profiles of the Hospital Board Election will continue next week.)
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