PAHS Homecoming Court
This article submitted on 10/11/00.
![2000 Homecoming court](./art/royaltycourt.jpg)
Members of the 2000 Homecoming Court at Paynesville Area High School
are: (front) second grade attendants Tyler Hemmesch and Megan Wuertz;
(seated) queen candidates Kristy Noonan, Leanne Kolb, King Joe Nosbush,
Queen Stephanie Hoeft, Amanda Olmscheid, and Steph Krupke; (standing)
candidates Joe Hiltner, Jon Lieser, Clayton Lang, and Logan Louis;
(back) junior class attendants Amy Mueller and Josh Schreifels,
ninth grade class attendants Heather Fuchs and Adam Kampsen,
and sophomore class attendants Josh Krupke and Hannah Felling.
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