Total fatalities involving youth under the age of 18 in the past ten years*: Meeker, 2; Stearns, 3; Kandiyohi, 0.
Total tractor fatalities in past ten years*: Meeker, 2; Stearns, 4; Kandiyohi,0.
Total tractor rollovers in past ten years*: Meeker, 1; Stearns, 0 ; Kandiyohi,0.
Total fatalities in manure pits and other waste storage structures and facilities*: Meeker, 0; Stearns, 1 ; Kandiyohi,0.
Total fatalities in grain bins and other grain storage sturctures and facilities*: Meeker, 0; Stearns, 3; Kandiyohi, 0.
Projected number of farm-work-related injuries each year^ : Meeker,225; Stearns, 621 ; Kandiyohi,238.
*Fatality statistics have been collected and summarized by the University of Minnesota Extension Service's Farm Safety and Health Program. The ten year period is from 1989-1998.
^Injury statistics projected using the Regional Rural Injury Study rate of work-related injury multiplied by the number of farms reported in the 1992 USDA Census of Agriculture.