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Paynesville Press - Sept. 22, 2004

Community Service Center changes hours of operation

By Bonnie Jo Hanson

The Paynesville Community Service Center -Ęthe local foodshelf - has new hours. The center is now open on the first, second and third Wednesdays of each month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and on the fourth Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. New director Pam Williquette will also see clients by appointment in emergency cases.

Previously, the center was open every other Wednesday evening, but Williquette changed the hours because she felt that volunteers should have Wednesday evenings free for church and other functions, she said. The hours were changed only after Williquette surveyed the center's clients, she added.

In addition, Williquette has added drop-off hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anyone wishing to drop off donations should still call ahead so Williquette can be prepared with additional volunteers, if needed. Calling ahead for large items, such as appliances and furniture, is especially important, as they can only be accepted if space is available, said Williquette.

While donations of food and clothing are always welcome, the center has special need for items such as toiletries, size-two diapers, small bottles of dish soap, and small containers (like sour cream containers and small baggies for smaller portions).

The food shelf also need eggs and poultry, and now is a wonderful time to donate fresh garden produce, Williquette added.

Because of safety concerns, the center can't accept donations of baby furniture (cribs, high chairs, etc.) or car seats, according to Williquette. Also, the center does not have space for knick-knacks, she added.

One new project started before school began when area churches pitched in to gather school supplies for area children. Thanks to community donations, the center was able to provide a backpack full of crayons, notebooks, pens, pencils, and a new set of clothing for more than two dozen area children. The school program is one Williquette hopes will continue.

The community usually donates generously during the holiday season, but teen gifts are always needed, said Williquette.

The center also needs volunteers for cleaning, for serving clients, and for sorting donations. The center is still looking at moving to a new building.

The Paynesville Community Service Center serves Hawick, Lake Henry, Paynesville, Regal, Roscoe, and St. Martin. In addition to providing food and clothing to those in need, Williquette can provide referrals to people in need. For more information, to volunteer, or to schedule a drop-off, call Williquette at 320-243-4953.

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