Pictured at right are Amy Wunsch and Amy Roberg who presented the Koronis Eager Beaver 4-H Club Community Pride project at the State Fair and received a grand champion award on the project.
4-Hers and their placings are:
Koronis Konquerors
Justin Reeck: red, yearling lamb.
Amanda Reeck: blue, ewe lamb; and fifth in open class lamb lead.
Megan Reeck: red, ewe lamb.
Jon Schefers: blue, dairy, Brown Swiss.; and first place in herdsmanship for dairy. He was also a member of the Stearns County 4-H Senior Dairy Judging team which placed eighth out of 33 teams.
Tricia Olmscheid: blue, potatoes.
Kim Rausch: blue, refinished rocker.
Pam Rausch: blue, photography.
Leanne Kolb: blue, dairy fall calf, earned a medal in dairy interview and was a member of the Stearns County 4-H Senior Dairy Judging team which placed eighth out of 33 teams.
Koronis Eager Beavers
Scott Thompson: grand champion, needle arts, afghan.
Peggy Thompson: grand champion, crocheted doily.
Amy Roberg and Angie Wunsch, grand champion, club's community pride project.
Cody Wiig: court of honor in fashion revue.
Bridgette Johnson: blue, lawn and landscape.
Dan Pearson: blue, feeder steer; and purple senior showmanship.
Steve Pearson: reserve champion, junior yearling charolais.
Judy Herding: red, commercial beef heifer.
Trish Wendlandt: red, turkey.