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Paynesville Press - August 31, 2005

School board changes work permit program

The Paynesville Area School Board took the following actions at their meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

•The board approved changes to the work permit program in the high school. Juniors would now be eligible for one hour per day, and seniors for two hours per day. Work experience must be related to a vocational class at PAHS and must have educational value, as determined by the building principal. Students would still need to take five regular classes, in addition to the work permit. Students could also take a work permit for credit, one credit per quarter, if they complete course work and have preapproval by the principal.

•The board tabled approval of District Improvement Goals for 2005-06 and Superintendent Goals for 2005-06. The board held a special meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 16, to discuss the district goals. Board members were given rough drafts of the goals and will contact superintendent Todd Burlingame with any suggested changes. The goals will be discussed again in September. •The board approved hir

ing Michelle Moser as a paraprofessional for special education (four hours per day) for the 2005-06 school year.

•The board approved the addition of one hour per day for paraprofessionals Virginia Chevalier and Bernie Roeser and half hour per day for paraprofessionals Faye Hartert, Mary Heinen, Kris Lang, and Jeanne Olmscheid. The district plans to use revenue from the Safe School Levy to cover this time, which will be used for playground and lunchroom supervision. This will provide for having two paraprofessionals on the playgroud, instead of one, and will allow for all Title time to be used in the classroom.

•The board approved hiring Todd Spanier as the junior high cross country coach. This position had been eliminated due to low numbers in the program, but with over 30 students on the team this year, another coach was needed.

•The board approved the following employee assignments at the fitness center for September 2005 to May 2006: Sally Heitke (20 hours per week average); Mellody Weber (20 hours per week); Teri Johnson (15 hours per week); Sue Teicher (eight hours per week); Danielle Dickhausen (five hours per week); Reed Quarfot (three hours per week); Jim Paster (sub as needed); and Kelli Woehler (sub as needed).

•The board approved the termination of paraprofessional Linda Theisen due to reduced student needs for paraprofessional time.

•The board approved a minor change to its Admission of Transfer Students and Acceptance of Credits, changing a reference to the BSTs to the MCAIIs. The legislature changed these test requirements during this year's session.

•The board approved a contract with Ridgewater College for post-secondary option (PSEO) students.

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