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Paynesville Press - August 29, 2001
4-Hers win state fair trips |
![]() 4-Hers earned the right to exhibit at the state fair by receiving top honors at their respective county fairs. The Stearns County Fair was held from July 26 to 29. The Meeker County Fair was held from Aug. 2 to 5. Megan Reeck won 13 trips to the State Fair at the Stearns County Fair At the county fairs, 4-Hers can exhibit in as many project areas as they wish, but they must choose only one project to take to the state fair. Megan Reeck of Paynesville had a difficult decision to make. After earning 13 state fair trips, she could take only one to the state fair. The daughter of Gary and Lu Reeck of Paynesville, Megan received four grand champion ribbons, four reserve grand champion ribbons, and was a state qualifier in five other events at the Stearns County Fair. Her brother, Justin, earned five grand champion honors and a reserve champion ribbon at the county fair. Megan, who will be an eighth grader this fall, had a hard time deciding which project to take to the state fair. She narrowed it down to either her clothing project or her market barrow. She opted to take her barrow to the state fair as it allowed her to stay at the fair for five days. She has been showing at the state fair since she was five years old. She started in the open class then moved into 4-H when she was old enough. Her market barrow Ñ a cross breed of Duroc, Landrace, and Hampshire Ñ received a red ribbon in the show ring and placed 101 out of 300 in the market test at the fair. Her brother also received a red ribbon with his market barrow at the state fair.
Members of the Koronis Eager Beavers 4-H Club exhibited at the Meeker County Fair in Litchfield. The club earned grand champion honors with its community pride project. The project consisted of handing out garbage bags before the Town and Country Days parade and having the bags collected at the end. The club also received reserve grand champion honors with its recycling barrel at the Meeker County Fair. Each club decorated a barrel at the fairgrounds. The club received blue ribbon honors with its club banner, club scarecrow, and potted plants. Individual 4-Hers earning state fair trips were: Kaitlyn Frenchick: horse (junior pleasure), grand champion; and fashion review, judges' award, and court of honor. Mesa Frenchick: dog agility (elementary level), grand champion; horse (senior pleasure), grand champion. Bridgette Johnson: community pride, state qualifier; market gilt, reserve class champion. Oliver Johnson: fine arts (woodburning), class champion. Dan Pearson: market beef steer, reserve champion. Steve Pearson: feeder calf, grand champion; metal shop, reserve grand champion. Katherine Schrupp: poultry, grand champion; potatoes, reserve grand champion. Tim Schrupp: poultry showmanship, reserve champion. Bill Thompson: wood/metal shop (manure spreader), class champion. Peggy Thompson: needle arts, reserve grand champion; fashion review (clothes you buy), court of honor. Scott Thompson: needle arts (afghan), class champion. Sam Thompson: needle arts (cross stitch), state qualifier. Angela Wunsch: small pets (cat), grand champion; food preservation, grand champion; consumer education, reserve grand champion; community pride, state qualifier.
The Koronis Konquerors 4-H Club exhibited at the Stearns County Fair in Sauk Centre. The club received reserve champion honors for their community pride project. The project included taking care of flowers at the Paynesville Area Center and the Paynesville Area Museum, helping with Early Childhood Family Education events, and doing adopt-a-highway. Individual 4-Hers earning trips to the state fair were: Caitlin Lien: organic foods (display of cookies), reserve champion. Justin Reeck: ewe lamb, grand champion; yearling ewe, grand champion; senior sheep showmanship, grand champion; gilt, grand champion; swine showmanship, grand champion; and barrow, reserve champion. Megan Reeck: clothes you buy, grand champion; consumer education, grand champion; lamb lead, grand champion; barrow, grand champion; ewe lamb, reserve champion; yearling ewe, reserve champion; junior sheep showmanship, reserve champion; gilt, reserve champion; swine showmanship, honorable mention; dress review court of honor; flower garden, state qualifier; nutritious foods display state qualifier; and performing arts, state qualifier. Libby Swedenburg: clothes you make, state qualifier; nonwearable clothing (purse), state qualifier.
Members of the Dale Spanier family of St. Martin exhibited with the Lucky Spurs 4-H Club, a horse club, at the Stearns County Fair. Brittney Spanier: vegetable garden, grand champion; horse (all-around points), state qualifier. Justin Spanier: horse (halter showmanship), state qualifier; gaming, state qualifier.
Several members of the Tel-Stars 4-H Club of St. Martin also showed at the Stearns County Fair. Jason Kolb: tractor driving contest, grand champion; Holstein fall calf, reserve junior champion; dairy judging team, first place. Leanne Kolb: senior dairy showmanship, grand champion; Holstein spring junior yearling heifer, state qualifier; dairy judging team, first place. Tricia Olmscheid: potatoes, reserve champion. Brian Rausch: fruit, grand champion; Kim Rausch: food review, grand champion; home environment, grand champion. Pam Rausch: food and nutrition, grand champion; photography, grand champion; food review, reserve champion. Adam Orbeck, ducks, grand champion.
Jon Schefers exhibited independently this year at the Stearns County Fair. Schefers: Brown Swiss, state qualifier; winter senior yearling, state qualifier; cross breed, state qualifier; Holstein summer junior yearling, state qualifier; Holstein fall senior yearling, class champion.
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