Minge, a Democrat who represents the Minnesota's Second Congressional District, which includes Paynesville as well as Kandiyohi and Meeker counties, started his day at the Paynesville Area Health Care System, discussing health care issues with administration, doctors, and hospital district board members.
Then he will take trips to Watkins and Eden Valley for walking tours of "Main Street." He is scheduled to be in Watkins from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. and in Eden Valley from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m.
He also will go to Albany to do a radio interview at 9:30 a.m.
According to his schedule, he should be back in Paynesville for a walking tour downtown for a half hour before noon.
At noon, he will be the guest speaker at the Paynesville Area Chamber of Commerce's monthly meeting.
In the late morning and early afternoon, Minge plans to take tours of Stearns Manufacturing, Louis Industries, and the Associated Milk Producers, Inc., plant. He will also be stopping at Paynesville Area Schools in the afternoon for a discussion with administration about education issues.
From 3 to 4 p.m., he is scheduled to tour the downtown streets again to visit with and meet the public.
After that he will be meeting with the Lake Koronis Trail Committee, the group that is spearheading the effort to construct a pedestrian trail around Lake Koronis. He will be taking a driving tour around the lake as well as a boat tour on the lake.
Minge, who has lived in Montevideo for the past 20 years, has served four terms in the House of Representatives. He is running again this fall against Republican challenger Mark Kennedy of Watertown.