The board reviewed fee schedules and lunch prices, committee assignments and membership in state organizations, and elected officers.
With the financial crunch in the lunch program, the board approved raising the lunch prices five cents per meal. Lunch prices for elementary students will be $1.35 per meal and in the middle and high schools $1.45.
Other rates related to the meal program remained the same as last year.
The fee schedule for athletic admissions, activity passes, and participation fees also remained the same as last year.
The board approved leaving the present officers serve until January 2000 since all but two are up for re-election.
Present officers are Pat Flanders, chairman; Lowell Haagenson, vice-chairman; Fern Roberg, clerk; and Maurice Dosdall, treasurer.
The board also approved leaving the committee assignments the same until after the new board takes office in January.
General obligation bonds
The Paynesville Area School Board approved selling general obligation aid anticipation certificates totaling $1.6 million for the purpose of meeting the district's current expenditures.
"The district is anticipating a shortfall and by investing the money the district has available, the district can obtain as much interest as possible on this amount and recoop all of the issuance expense and then some," Superintendent Howard Caldwell told the board.
"This will provide us with dollars that will allow us to continue to operate with no additional expense. The funds we are investing are not needed until sometime in February," Caldwell added.
The bond would be for the maximum amount possible. A representative of Ehlers and Associates will be at the Aug. 10 meeting to explain further bonding process. At this time, the board would make the decision whether or not to move forward with the bond sales.
Roof reconstruction
The board has been exploring various methods the past year on how best to reconstruct the penthouse area on the high school roof. A portion of the roof no longer meets the code for snow load requirements. As a result of that information, the board chose to pursue options as how best to correct the roof situation to meet present day codes.
"Since we have seen no change orders from Buttweilers Do-All, Inc., I recommend we move forward with the roof reconstruction on the north and south end of the penthouse (area above the library and home economics room)," Caldwell told the board.
Caldwell explained Buttweilers would do the restructuring of that area by reinforcing the roof line with steel beams and then the area would meet code specifications for snow load.
The board approved Caldwell's recommendation to move forward with the project.
In other business
The board appointed Gretchen O'Fallon to fill the school board vacancy left by the resignation of Velda Larson.
The board accepted the resignation of Cameron Mahlum, middle school social studies teacher.