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Paynesville Press - July 21, 2004

School approves new computer software program

The Paynesville Area School Board took the following actions at their meeting on Tuesday, July 13.

*The board was informed by high school principal John Janotta that the administration had chosen a new computer software program to handle grading and attendance. (The district's previous computer company did not update its program for the 2004-05 school year.) JMC costs $3,900 for a one-time license plus about $3,000 for yearly maintenance. It was the least expensive of four software programs reviewed by the district.

The software, which will be used to track attendance and grades, has internet features that allow parents to check their children's progress online. The company also has a lunch program, which the district could also purchase, that would allow parents to check what their children are eating and how much they have in their lunch accounts.

*The board approved a fee schedule for 2004-05. (See box on page 6.) Changes included increasing the band instrument rental fee by $5 to help cover cleaning expenses and raising substitute wages for teachers, clerical staff, custodians, teacher assistants, and food service workers from $7 per hour to $7.25 per hour.

*The board approved a contract for Leah Neu as school nurse for the 2004-05 school year.

*The board approved a 0.514 FTE contract for Kelli Woehler as an art teacher for the 2004-05 school year.

*The board approved the district's annual report on curriculum, instruction, and student performance for 2003-04, which will be published in the district newsletter.

*The board approved membership in the following organizations for the 2004-05 school year: the Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA), the MSBA Policy Service Program, the Minnesota State High School League, the state and national school lunch programs, Schools for Equity in Education (SEE),the Central Minnesota Education Research and Development Council, and Resourse Training & Solutions, including their environmental/ occupational health and safety program and their management assistance program.

*The board authorized superintendent Todd Burlingame, or his designee, to purchase and sell investments during the 2004-05 school year.

*The board authorized the following personnel to use the check writer and to sign checks for petty cash during the 2004-05 school year: bookkeeper, district office secretary, payroll clerk, and superintendent.

*The board designated the district's primary bank depositories for the 2004-05 school year: Central Minnesota Federal Credit Union (payroll account); Community First National Bank (general account); and Farmers and Merchants State Bank (activities account).

*The board approved the following supplemental bank depositories for the 2004-05 school year: Minnesota School District Liquid Asset Fund Plus, PMA Financial Network Inc. or PMA Securities, Inc., and other banks and savings and loans or financial management firms that provide evidence of appropriate security.

*The board approved continuing its agreement with St. Cloud State University to participate in their student teacher program during the 2004-05 school year.

*The board approved continuing their ageement with the American Red Cross to use school facilities as mass care shelters in a disaster.

*The board designated the Paynesville Press as its official newspaper for the 2004-05 school year.

*The board approved a contract with Tech Check for 40 hours of supplemental technology support services during the 2004-05 school year.

*The board authorized obtaining bakery and dairy bids for the 2004-05 school year, to be opened in August.

*The board approved a health and safety plan for 2004-05.

*The board approved a three-week assignment for Diane Schwandt as a special education driver in August.

*The board approved long-term substitute contracts for custodian Kathleen Faber for 25 days of work.

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