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Paynesville Press - July 10, 2002

Kennedy files in the Sixth District

Congressman Mark Kennedy filed for re-election in the Sixth Congressional District last week at the Secretary of State's office in St. Paul.

"I am very excited to officially file for re-election," said Kennedy. "It is an honor to have the opportunity to serve the people of Minnesota by representing them in the Sixth Congressional District."

Kennedy was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2000, by defeating four-term incumbent David Minge in the Second District. After redistricting, Congressman Kennedy found his rural Wright County home in the new Sixth District. He is running for re-election in the new Sixth District, which covers Stearns Benton, Sherburne, Wright, Anoka and Washington counties.

"I look forward to meeting more of the people living in the Sixth District in the coming 18 weeks," he said. "My campaign will focus on my record of achievement, my vision for the future, my values, and why I am the best fit for the people of the Sixth District."

"I intend to address the issues that are important to the people of the Sixth District: keeping taxes low and the economy growing, improving transportation, preserving Social Security, expanding retirement savings accounts, adding a prescription drug benefit, reforming education, and winning the war on terrorism," he added.

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