Every year the number of people watching the fireworks from their boats is increasing. However, due to ever changing safety regulations, boaters are cautioned to stay at least 1,000 feet away from First Island on Lake Koronis.
Bob Brauchler, Jaycee member, completed a required certification course to discharge outdoor fireworks held by the National Fire Protection Association. Brauchler said under normal conditions, boaters need to stay away a minimum of 800 feet. But because of the elevation of First Island, boaters need to stay at least 1,000 feet or further.
The Jaycees will fire off the first shot at 9:30 p.m. as a test, as required by law. Depending on the wind and weather conditions, the test shot will indicate if the mortar tubes need resetting to make adjustments for the wind direction. He cautioned spectators to be patient. The mortar tubes are loaded one at a time manually and shot manually. The fireworks can't be shot off too fast for safety reasons.
Brauchler said if the boaters don't cooperate, he has the authority to call off the fireworks, if they are too close to First Island.
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