Memorial Day is a time for people to recall and reflect on those who served in the armed forces. Veterans know peace cannot be taken for granted. Veterans stress the need to show respect for the flag and show our gratitude to those who died protecting our country in a time of war.
Master of ceremonies for the service will be Joe Kremer, former Legion Commander. Presenting the "Gettysburg Address" will be Boy Scout Brian Stelling. Megan Pelz, Girls Stater, will read "In Flanders Field and Response." Wendy Utsch, Girls Stater, will read "America's Creed."
The Girl Scouts will lead the audience in singing "God Bless America."
Lowering of the poppies will be led by Sharon Schmidt, VFW Auxiliary officer and Donna Knebel, Legion Auxiliary president.
The Paynesville Area High School Band will play "America" and the national anthem.
Following the services, a military salute will be held outside the school and a parade will be held from the Paynesville to the Lake Street Bridge on the north edge of town where a tribute to the naval dead will take place. From the bridge, the band and Legion color guard and go to the Paynesville Cemetery for a short service.