More than 3,200 Norway Pine and Black Hills Spruce trees were donated to the Paynesville Area Middle School and Elementary School by the Department of Natural Resources and the city of Paynesville. Directions on how to plant the trees and how to care for them were sent home with the school children.
Governor Arne Carlson proclaimed May as Arbor Month as a time to pay special tribute to the vital resources that our trees represent and encourages Minnesotans to dedicate themselves to the continued health of our state’s community and rural forests.
If you are thinking of planting a tree this spring, there are factors to consider when deciding what species to plant and where to plant it, says Mike Zins, horticulturist with the University of Minnesota’s Extension Service.
When choosing a tree-planting site, consider four factors: soil type and drainage, availability of water, amount of sunlight and location. “Soil is very critical,” notes Zins. Compacted soil is a big problem because of poor water drainage and soil aeration. Zins suggests testing a site with a long screwdriver; if it goes in the ground easily, water will probably drain properly. Or dig a hole 18 inches deep, fill it with water and let it stand overnight. If the water has drained by morning, the site has good drainage.
When planting trees, Zins suggests a person consider:
•How big the tree will get and how long that will take.
•Whether there is enough room for it to grow.
•Whether the tree has the characteristics to provide the desired benefits.
•If the tree will fit well into the overall landscape.
•Whether a tree planted on this site will infringe on a neighbor’s property.
•Choosing a salt-tolerant tree if it will be planted near a heavily-salted road.