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Paynesville Press - May 12, 2004
Students compete at state |
Four students from Paynesville Area High School advanced to state recently in Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), formerly FLA.
Seniors Beth Schlangen, Rachel Keller, and Angie Buermann and junior Erica Wander competed in the state FCCLA convention. All four competed in the "Illustrated Talk" category. This is a category where the students are given 11 areas to choose from and over a five-month period they research and find an effective way to present their topic. Buermann and Schlangen competed together and spoke about methamphetamine, which was chosen from the "Tough Decisions" category. Keller and Wander also competed as a duo, speaking about teen suicide from the "Teen Stuff" category. Wander also challenged herself and competed individually, talking about epilepsy. All four students placed fourth in their event and received bronze medals. The Paynesville FCCLA Chapter is advised by Karen Odberg. The state convention was held at the Sheraton Bloomington Hotel with approximately 2,000 students and advisors in attendance. In addition to the convention, the Paynesville students were able to attend the Twins baseball game.
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