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Paynesville Press - April 28, 2004
National Honor Society inducts 20 members |
Twenty juniors and seniors at Paynesville Area High School were inducted into the local chapter of the National Honor Society on Monday, April 19. Entry into the National Honor Society recognizes character, leadership, scholarship, and service. Scholarship is judged by their GPAs (a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required) and by students needing to take certain required courses.
Character, leadership, and service are judged by the faculty. To be inducted requires nominations from at least five staff members. Then, after the students submit their applications, a five-member faculty council - chosen by last year's crop of inductees - reviews each student and chooses those worthy for induction. Students inducted into the National Honor Society have shown that they value scholarship, knowing the lasting benefits of a cultured mind; that they have character, that which distinguishes them from others; that they contribute service, a willingness to help those in need; and that they embody leadership, being a wholesome role model, said high school principal John Janotta. Inducted last week were seniors Cahlean Klenke, Brian Korman, Robert O'Fallon, Eric Roos, and Chad Stang. Juniors inducted in 2004 were: Amber Chevalier, Kimberly Hess, Kendra Johnson, Lisa Lenzmeier, Brittany Lieser, Erin Loesch, Stephanie Louis, Kayla Mackedanz, Michelle Monson, Jack Mueller, Michael Mueller, Katie Nelson, Sarah Schmidt, Ashley Spanier, and Kristi Utsch. In addition, 15 seniors were inducted into the National Honor Society in 2003: Melissa Andrie, Holly Bennett, Maureen Flanders, Heather Fuchs, Amanda Glenz, Rachel Hanson, Adam Ingalsbe, Bridgette Johnson, Amy Roberg, Peter Schreifels, Peggy Thompson, Sami Tierney, Jessica Virant, Kayla Welle, and Angela Wunsch. The speaker at the induction ceremony - held at the middle school media center - was former school counselor Bob Cushman, who gave the students some simple things to remember. He started by reading the essay "Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" by Robert Fulghum, which includes life lessons like share, play fair, don't hit, put things back where you found them, clean up your own mess, and say you're sorry. He added to those lessons with the following advice: always show up, pay attention, tell the truth, and let go, recognizing that there is only so much that you can control. Cushman ended his talk by urging the students to take chances, to climb mountains, to watch sunsets. He read this quotation: "I've had my moments, and if I had it all to do over again I'd have more moments. In fact, I'd have nothing but moments. Moment by moment by moment by moment."
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