Several hundred spectators attended the 2006 Talent Showcase on Sunday, April 2, at the school auditorium, where 28 local acts performed in a benefit concert.
The show raised funds for maintaining and enhancing the auditorium, as well as showcasing local talent and demonstrating again the variety of uses of the auditorium, built in 2000.
Acts ranged from singing and other musical acts (everything from piano solos to a demonstration of the Norwegian hardinger fiddle) to a dances, storytelling, comedy sketches, a karate demonstration, and a fire dance, which was the grand finale. Christopher and Theresa Meis, newcomers to Paynesville, have performed their fire dance for years at the Renaissance Festival.
Miss Paynesville Lindsey Pelton (left) and Second Princess Tanya Whitcomb (right) serended Willie Scheel, the long-time chauffeur for the Payensville royalty, to the song "My Guy" on Sunday night. Pelton and Whitcomb wore shirts that said "I Love Willie" and "Willie Fan Club."
Other highlights of the talent showcase were Miss Paynesville Lindsey Pelton and Second Princess Tanya Whitcomb serenading Willie Scheel, the chauffeur of the Paynesville royalty, to the song "My Guy" and the String of Pearls performing "When Are We Gonna Get Married" as Ole and a String of Lenas.
The event was organized by a committee: Cheryl Bungum, Cheryl and Roy Colbert, Matt Dickhausen, Amy Flanders, Jane Leitzman, Colleen and Ian Pelton, Michael Putzke, and Charlene Strand.
The String of Pearls performed as Ole (Linda Liestman, right) and a String Of Lenas (including Carolyn Swyter, left) on Sunday evening. The String of Pearls sang two songs: "Baby, I'm Yours" and "When Are We Gonna Get Married."
A chronological listing of the acts that performed at the talent showcase on Sunday is:
Ralph Daby, storytelling
Chelsey Hartmann, singing
St. Louis Children's Choir Ensemble of Katelyn Hoeft, Hannah Lange, Sydney Riley, and Teirrah Syvertson, singing
Jean Nichols, singing
Karla Leitzman, piano solo
Teirrah Syvertson, piano solo
Miss Paynesville Lindsey Pelton and Second Princess Tanya Whitcomb, singing
Julie Moyer, hardinger fiddle
Dr. Ray Lindeman, storytelling
Dance Sensations, jazz dance
Dugan Flanders and Peder Thompson, trombone duet
3Cs (Cheryl Bungum, Cheryl Colbert, and Charlene Strand), singing
Sam Bungum, piano solo
Josh Bungum, piano solo
Natalie Leadem, piano solo
Pastor Dave Nelson and Kayla Nelson, guitar and singing
Evangelical Free Church Worship Band (Barry Christenson, Jean Louis, Allen and Lori Schmidt, and Barry and Charlene Strand)
Terry Nelson, guitar and singing
Ralph Daby, Dillon Herem, and Karla Leitzman, comedy sketch
Bill Brinkman, Mike Flanders, Dr. Bob Gardner, and Ian Pelton, singing
Allen Anderson, singing
Vork Family, jazz group
Roy Colbert, singing
PAHS Mixed Pops Choir, singing
String of Pearls (Linda Liestman, Kathee Martinson, Laurie Martin-son, Kim McKigney, Faye Paster, Charlene Strand, Carolyn Swyter, and Karen Theel), singing
Erica Monson, singing
Christopher and Theresa Meis (shown at left), fire dance.
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