Rudy Vigil, coordinator for Willmar’s local access channel, has been advising the Paynesville Cable Commission on solutions to its problems. Vigil explained to the council what equipment would be needed.
Among the equipment needed is a new computer which would make Channel 6 more appealing to the viewer. The city would also need to purchase a new camera to broadcast live programs...for example the Town and Country Days parade.
Vigil told the council the present camera is still good and can be checked out for private use, but it doesn’t meet the needs for broadcasting live council meetings. Vigil told the council among the equipment being purchased is a timer control so programs can be turned on and off automatically weekdays and weekends. Up to four programs per day can be played making the system more efficient.
Council member Dennis Zimmerman said as a representative of the cable commission, he knows of the frustration the community has had with the programming. “I feel the upgrade will provide us with quality equipment and expertise giving us more for our dollar,” he added.
1998 street improvements
Ron Mergen, public works director, presented the council with the proposed 1998 street improvement project list.
He asked the council to approve a resolution for SEH to prepare the necessary reports to get the grant applications started. The project would involve replacing the water mains and sanitary sewer lines along on four streets plus reconstruction of the bituminous road surface.
Seven streets were identified on the project list. Estimated cost of the project is $609,205. Streets slated for work are:
1) Augusta Avenue from Highway 23 to Mill Street.
2) Wendell Street from Stearns Avenue to Belmont Drive.
3) Main Street from Stearns Avenue to Lake Avenue.
4) Washburne Avenue from Main Street to First Street.
5) Hudson Street from Wendell Street to Highway 32.
6) Stearns Avenue from Highway 23 to James Street.
7) Washburne Avenue from Mill Street to Main Street.
The last three on the list deal with reconstruction of the road surface, installing curb and gutter and replacing existing sidewalks.
No parking resolution approved
The council approved a resolution designating certain streets, blocks or portions of streets as no parking zones along Highway 23. The no parking zone along Highway 23 would go into effect once the signs can be posted and curbs painted.
There shall be no parking:
1) Commencing from the alley behind city hall 60 feet east on the north side of Highway 23 in front of Vern Johnson Motors.
2) No parking commencing at the alley behind Jerry’s Jack and Jill and running east 30 feet on the north side of Highway 23.
3) The alley behind Jack and Jill on the north side of Highway 23 will be designated “No exit to Highway 23.”
4) The alley between Lakedale and the American Legion on the south side of Highway 23, will be designated “No exit to Highway 23.”
5) The alley between Vern Johnson Motors and Pianos Plus on the south side, will be designated “No exit to Highway 23.”
In other business: the airport commission was established by resolution. It shall be composed of five members, exclusive of council members. Two members are to be licensed pilots. The city administrator will direct the city attorney to draft a new ordinance.
The council approved a resolution amending the membership on the Board of Economic Development Authority Board. The new board will consist of nine members: two council members, one chamber representative, one Pay-Del-Co representative, two members at large and three township members.