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Paynesville Press - March 15, 2006
Youth present original stage version of Snow White |
Forty students (grades K-8) presented a comedy farce - "The True Story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?" - over the weekend through Community Education's annual mini-theater.
The fairy tale of Snow White was similar to the familiar Disney story with some new twists. In this version, the dwarves go on strike at the gold mine, owned by the evil queen, with the dwarves wanting shorter hours, more pay, and compensation for black lung. When the queen decides to kill Snow White because her magic mirror says that Snow White has surpassed her as "the fairest in the land," Snow White escapes to the forest and joins the dwarves as their union leader, making their strike more effective by having them picket at the castle instead of deep in the forest.
Evil queens Kendra Hengel (left) and Rachel McCloud (right) fight over prince Kellen Andersen, who actually thinks Snow White is the fairest. The 40 students auditioned for parts in this play on Monday, Feb. 27, and had seven rehearsals over the next two weeks before the production on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon last weekend.
Cast of Characters Dwarfs Happy (Teirrah Suvertson), Blushing (Avery Davidson), Ralph (Taylor Loesch), and Nosey (McKenna Evans) - on strike against the evil queen - find Snow White (Carly Lemkuhl) asleep in the forest.
Cowboys/Cowgirls: Allison Poepping,
J.T. Gunderson, Amanda Hawkinson, Randi Lemkuhl, Elizabeth Clawson, Victoria Clawson, and Noah Andersen
Directors: Colleen Pelton and Sue Teicher
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