Two positions in each township were up for election this year: a three-year supervisor term and a two-year treasurer term.
Incumbent Paynesville Township supervisor Don Pietsch filed for another term as did treasurer Sharon Wendroth. Filing to challenge Pietsch was Edward McIntee.
The only other township with a new person filing is Union Grove Township. Robert Groshens filed for the seat held by Dan Schultz. Schultz did not file for another term.
Complete list of those filing are:
Eden Lake Township: Jon Schaumann, supervisor, and Don Schlangen, treasurer.
Irving Township: Russell Schmidt, supervisor, and Howard Powers, treasurer. Lake Henry Township: Joe Roelike, supervisor, and Ray Loxtercamp, treasurer.
Manannah Township: Steve Kraushaar, supervisor, and Janine Shepersky, treasurer.
Munson Township: Joe Willenbring, supervisor, and Dick Behnen, treasurer.
Paynesville Township: Don Pietsch, and Edward McIntee, supervisor, Sharon Wendroth, treasurer.
Roseville Township: Jim Schultz, supervisor, and Terry Schaefer, treasurer.
St. Martin Township: Kenny Utsch, supervisor, and LeRoy Garding, treasurer.
Union Grove Township: Robert Groshens, supervisor, and LeRoy Thomsen, treasurer.
Zion Township: Larry Miller, supervisor, and Carol Wegner, treasurer.