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Paynesville Press - Jan. 29, 2003
Students of the Month named for January at PAMS
Sixth grader Erin Guzy, seventh grader Ashley Ogdahl, and eighth grader Kirsten Miller were named last week as Students of the Month for January at Paynesville Area Middle School.
Ogdahl and Miller said they were surprised to receive the award. Guzy said she loved receiving it. Seventh grader Ashley Ogdahl, sixth grader Erin Guzy, and eighth grader Kirsten Miller were named Students of the Month for January at Paynesville Area Middle School. Guzy, the daughter of Steve and Amy Guzy, sings in the sixth grade choir. She thinks she got the honor because she tried her best in every class. Her teachers say that Erin is always well prepared for class and is always eager to learn new things. Ogdahl, the daughter of Mindi and Mike Ogdahl, plays volleyball, basketball, and softball. She said that she tried her hardest to behave in class and pay attention, which is why she received the award. Her teachers state that Ashley applies herself, works hard, and is friendly, considerate, and prepared. Miller, the daughter of Steve and Amy Miller, plays volleyball and basketball, runs track, plays in the band, and is a member of the student council. She believes she got the award because she got her homework done on time and did not cause trouble in class. Her teachers describe Kirsten as hardworking, responsible, friendly, and conscientious.
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