Karen Koshiol Breuer and family have lived in the Middle East for the past four years, during and after 9/11 and during the Afghan War. Her husband stayed in Saudi Arabia during the War in Iraq, too, and Karen and her son now live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
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Paynesville Press - January 21, 2004
Living in the Middle East - Part I |
In November 2001, just months after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and just prior to the war in Afghanistan, Paynesville native Karen Koshiol Breuer described her life in Saudi Arabia - with her husband Bryan and son Nicholas - to Press readers through a two-part series of question-and-answer articles.
Camels roamed the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Karen and Nicholas were relocated to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in August 2003 and have now lived in the Middle East again for five months. Bryan still works in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, but he flies to Saudi every week and returns to Dubai on weekends. Karen, who graduated from Paynesville High School in 1973, is the daughter of Milt and Rosemary Koshiol of Paynesville. Again she has shared aspects of their life in the Middle East with the Press via e-mail. (To read Karen's article from November 2001, go online to www.paynesvillearea.com/news/saudikoshiol/saudiarabiakoshiol.htm.)
1. How have attitudes changed
in Saudi Arabia since 9/11?
We still read Letters to the Editor giving us a general feel for local attitude towards westerners. Karen Koshiol Breuer, Bryan Breuer, and Nicholas Breur enjoy the desert in the United Arab Emirates by spending a day four-wheeling. Immediately after 9/11, many Saudis were sympathetic towards Americans due to the fact there has been at least 50 years of mutual cooperation, friendship and peace between America and Saudi Arabia. But after the Iraq War, local attitudes seemed to change. There were many more letters which expressed contempt for the United States and criticized the U.S.'s foreign policy.
2. How did these attitude changes
affect you and your family as Americans
living in Saudi Arabia? Overall, our lives didn't change much except we were extra aware of anyone we encountered while off the compound. After 9/11, Little League baseball continued, school was kept open, the U.S. Consulate remained open, and everything remained normal and quiet. From a business point of view, my husband saw a difference in the business relationships between U.S. companies and Saudi professionals. He says attitudes changed in a way that greatly impacted American business in Saudi Arabia. Many Arabs/Muslims were no longer willing to travel to the United States out of fear of harassment. And because of this fear, some Middle East businesses moved their business to Europe.
3. What safety concerns did you have while living in Saudi Arabia? How did these change during your time there? Since our arrival in Saudi Arabia in 2000, we had been warned by the U.S. Embassy to be suspicious of mail and people following us, to respect local customs, and to check our cars for bombs. After 9/11, we were additionally advised to stay on the compound as much as possible, to stay away from mosques during/after prayer time, travel in small numbers, to leave more than one car-space in front of us while stopped at a stoplight, to try not to "dress" like an American, and not to frequent the same camping or hiking spot in the desert week after week. The warnings came so often it was almost like having tornado warnings go off every day. The danger is that people start to get used to them and not take them as seriously as they should. After the compound bombings in Riyadh in May 2003, security in Saudi Arabia changed drastically, especially at all housing communities. My son and I were in the United States by then, but my husband and friends still lived in Saudi and talked of how security around our compound changed tremendously. The compound now has many checkpoints to go through before a person can enter it. There are concrete barriers around entire city blocks, along with patrols of Saudi National Guard troops. There are many more guards with more guns, roving patrols, 60-caliber machine gun emplacements, and everything is camouflaged. A city road was blocked off that went through our compound, and all cars are searched, even residents' vehicles. Everyone must show proper identification to get onto the compound. There are also checkpoints throughout the whole city where soldiers or police officers check passports, visas, and other important papers. It is far more time-consuming and more difficult to get into any compound or to get anywhere in the city, especially to the American school or the U.S. Consulate, but the security measures are absolutely necessary.
4. Why did you decide to leave Saudi Arabia with your son prior to the Iraq War? When we returned to the hotel, my husband was on the line explaining the notice to depart the Middle East immediately. At that time, we were also told we could not fly back to Saudi Arabia to get our things. It was a tense day, and for the time being, we stayed at the hotel until further notice. Within hours that day, Honeywell decided we could return to Saudi Arabia to tie up loose ends and pack. So a day later, we flew back to Saudi, packed what we needed, and Nicholas and I departed Saudi Arabia at the end of February 2003. It turned out to be a good experience for Nicholas and me to live in Paynesville, my hometown again, because Nicholas was able to enroll in the public school, join baseball, see his grandparents and relatives on a regular basis, enjoy winter, live in a small town and, meet some great friends. He wants to say hello to Matt, Dillan, Connor, Justin, Dustin, Michael, Cody, Mark, Jordan, Brandon, and all the buddies he met, and he looks forward to seeing them every summer.
5. Why did your husband stay
in Saudi Arabia when you
left last February? Not knowing when or if the Iraq War would start, my son and I were hoping to go back to Saudi after a couple months, as moving with such short notice was a difficult adjustment to make. Taking Nicholas out of the school he had attended for grades 3-5, leaving his friends, our home of three years, a husband/father, and our two cats, and living out of suitcases was hard to do and quite a whirlwind. That all changed, of course, after the compound bombings in May 2003. After that, I no longer wished to go back to Saudi for safety reasons, and we continued our stay in the states until August 2003. Part II (01/28/04) -- Part III (02/4/04) (Edited by Michael Jacobson)
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