The son of Tom and Florence Scheierl, Paynesville, David is a senior at Paynesville Area High School. As his Eagle Service project, Scheierl designed and built two handicap accessible picnic tables, two wheelbarrow planters, and a wooden decorative tree on which the ornaments can change with the holiday. These items were donated to the Koronis Manor Nursing Home in Paynesville, for the enjoyment of the residents. “I learned from my Eagle project that you can do almost anything you set your mind to and try,” he said.
He began the trail to Eagle in second grade as a cub scout in the Headwaters Area Council, Hibbing. He completed the bobcat, wolf and bear ranks under the leadership of his mother, Florence. His webelo rank was completed under the leadership of Butch Blight and Roger Van Dyke.
As a seventh grader, Scheierl joined the Paynesville Boy Scout Troop 34, after moving to Paynesville. David progressed through the ranks and has earned 21 merit badges under the leadership of scoutmasters Leo Louis, Tom Scheierl, and assistant scoutmaster Mike Klein. David has held the leader positions of assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader and chaplain aid. He has also helped at Cub Scout day camps and at the spring camporee at Parker Scout Reservation. One year, he and his father taught muzzle loading to campers and how to build shelters.
In July 1993, Scheierl was among 10 Boy Scouts from troop 34 who attended the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, W.V. At the jamboree he served as chaplain aid.
In September of 1994 David was inducted into the Order of the Arrow at Parker Scout Reservation. He has participated in C.O.P.E. at Many Point Scout Camp which he attended for two years.He has participated in Alpha Lupus winter camp three times and earned the Zero Hero badge for camping outside in below zero weather.
He explained at Alpha Lupus, you learn the basics of outdoor survival. The first year, campers stay in cabins and learn how to build a shelter. The second year, campers stay in outdoor shelters.
Scheierl has held a part-time job since the age of 14. He is currently employed at M&M Lumber in Paynesville. He is a member of an archery league in Richmond and in his first year on the league was named “most improved shooter.”
Scheierl enjoys hunting and winter and summer fishing. After graduation he plans on attending a technical college. He extends a thank you to his parents, Leo Louis and Mike Klein for being his leaders and the guidance they provided him.
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