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Paynesville Press - Oct. 27, 2010
Paynesville Area Hospital District Board of Directors |
Rich Philabaum, 61, has represented the city of Roscoe on the hospital board since it entered the hospital district in 1999. He is retired after working for more than 35 years at the Veterans Administration Hospital in St. Cloud.
Why are you interested
in serving on the hospital board?
As a current board member and a representative of the city of Roscoe, I have always been concerned about health care. When Roscoe was asked to join the hospital district, I was approached to represent the community. Having a voice in such a complex area as health care gives me satisfaction knowing we are making the right decisions to meet the needs of those using the Paynesville Hospital. We have many challenges ahead.
How can PAHCS recruit
more providers, especially
primary care physicians?
I know we have a wonderful hospital with great staff. We keep up with the current technology and new diagnostic equipment. You take that and roll that up along with what our community has to offer and you have a great setting to raise a family and practice medicine. It's a great package to offer a M.D. Oh, yes! We do have excellent people working in the area of recruitment.
Would you support a tax
levy to build a new hospital
in Paynesville?
I would have to say NO at this particular time. Based on what's going on with our economy today, it would be a hard sell for this area. The burden of more taxes on top of what's already out there is just not the right fit for our area.
How important is it
for PAHCS to remain
an independent health care organization?
What needs to be done to insure that PAHCS remains so?
I believe we're very fortunate to be independent. It gives us our own identity. This facility is known for how well it delivers health care for the size of its operation. Being committed to providing the same great care and customer service will make PAHCS the provider of choice.
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