The general election will be held
on Tuesday, Nov. 2, with voting hours between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.
at your city or township polling site
(except in Zion Township where
voting hours are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.).
City of Paynesville
Place: Paynesville Area Center,
1105 Main Street West
City of Lake Henry
Place: Lake Henry City Hall,
(adjoining the Lake Henry Fire Hall),
23412 Highway 4
City of Regal
Place: Roseville Township Hall, 15768 232nd Avenue, Hawick
City of Roscoe
Place: Roscoe City Hall,
305 First Street
City of St. Martin
Place: St. Martin Parish Center,
119 Maine Street
Eden Lake Township
Place: Eden Valley Fire Hall,
450 Smith Street, Eden Valley
Irving Township
Place: Irving Town Hall,
15282 195th Avenue NE
Lake Henry Township
Place: Lake Henry City Hall,
(adjoining the Lake Henry Fire Hall),
23412 Highway 4, Lake Henry
Manannah Township
Place: Manannah Township Hall,
57211 351st Street, Manannah
Munson Township
Place: Munson Township Hall,
23857 Co. Rd. 23, Richmond
Paynesville Township
Place: Paynesville Township Hall, 28780 Koronis Drive
Roseville Township
Place: Roseville Township Hall, 15768 232nd Avenue, Hawick
St. Martin Township
Place: St. Martin Parish Center,
119 Maine Street, St. Martin
Union Grove Township
Place: Union Grove Town Hall,
360th Street and 515th Avenue
Zion Township
Place: Lake Henry American Legion,
30369 Co. Rd. 32
Hours: 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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