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Paynesville Press - Oct. 27, 2010
Paynesville Area Hospital District Board of Directors |
Marlys Houk, 55, lives on Lake Koronis and is running for the open seat to represent Union Grove Township on the hospital board. (Incumbent Mike Hansen is retiring from the board and did not re-file.) She works as a manager of administration for an insurance company.
Why are you interested
in serving on the hospital board?
We are very fortunate to have such a comprehensive health care system in our area, and as a board member I can help facilitate the continuance of our excellent medical services. We personally experienced this quality care when our son was involved in an accident. Upon his air-lifted arrival in a Twin Cities hospital, we were advised that "our local hospital did everything right," which was a benefit to his recovery.
How can PAHCS recruit
more providers, especially
primary care physicians?
The more progressive we are on designations with the Minnesota Department of Health will speak to providers/primary care physicians, which in turn put us in a desirable location. We need to continue to recognize the tremendous value of our nurses and other medical staff. A physician who knows they are coming into a solid competent base realizes in advance the quality care we will expect.
Would you support a tax
levy to build a new hospital
in Paynesville?
This question would need extensive research before any commitment. Of utmost importance to this question is what is best for the health care of our patients and that we remain a financially-viable facility ensuring future quality health care in our area.
How important is it
for PAHCS to remain
an independent health care organization? What needs to be done to insure that PAHCS remains so?
Perhaps we should consider this question from the patient perspective: providing individualized care from scheduling to prescription as a seamless, compassionate patient care organization that empowers patients to take an active part in their health care. This is our hospital, and together we will continue to improve, ensuring PAHCS remains the best regional health care available.
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