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Paynesville Press - Oct. 31, 2012

Meeker County District 5
Mike Huberty

Mike Huberty

Mike Huberty, 68, of Eden Valley retired as the executive vice president of the State Bank in Eden Valley in 2009. Raised in Watkins and residing in Eden Valley, his community service includes serving on the Meeker Memorial Hospital Board and the Meeker County Development Commission.

Why are you interested in serving on the county board of commissioners?
I am retired and have the time to spend on the issues of the county and the concerns of my constituents. I also like working with people.

What makes you the best candidate for this office?
With 39 years of banking and finance experience, this should be an asset in working with the issues facing Meeker County and the knowledge of how to deal with them.

What would be your primary goals if elected?
I would work with the state on getting more funding to the counties, so we can keep our programs and services in place without raising property taxes. I would also have a goal in enticing businesses to locate in Meeker County and also of job growth.

What is your long-range vision for Kandiyohi County?
I am looking at the economy growing, thus reducing our property taxes. Good roads, low unemployment.

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