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Paynesville Press - Oct. 31, 2012
Paynesville City Council |
Jeff Bertram, 52, is completing his second four-year term on the city council. Previously, he served ten years in the Minnesota House, nine years on the Stearns County Planning Commission, and on the League of Minnesota Cities Board of Directors. He is employed by West Central Sanitation, J&M Consulting, and the Bertram Family Farm. He and his wife Marlene have two children.
Why are you interested
in serving on city council?
What accomplishments on
the council would you cite as reasons for your re-election?
With at least one new member being elected to the council and limited engagement by others, it is more important than ever having someone on the council who is informed, willing to ask the questions, and willing to say no when the proposal of the day doesn't make sense for the ENTIRE community. Loans from the city need to be paid, agreements made to the city upheld, and request that have a cost of tens of thousands of dollars have to be denied or trouble is close by. We don't need to look very far to see prime examples of this very occurrence!
Some may not enjoy being held accountable, but the council has a fiduciary responsibility to protect all of the residents/taxpayers of Paynesville. Some may not like the message, but they know I have done my homework, will voice a position, and will have to work to reach a compromise. Unfortunately, I have had to overcompensate the lack of engagement by others, but I am convinced that any effective group needs informed, opinionated discussions on any issue, or problems are close by. It is very clear that some council candidates will join the inside group of benefiting a few. I will not!
What should the city do
about the benzene pollution from the former gas station at the corner of Lake Avenue and Mill Street?
Should additional budget
cuts become necessary, what areas of spending would you target?
We need to face the reality that Local Government Aid (LGA), which is state tax money funneled back to communities, will not be here forever. We need to continue streamlining services, keep manageable staffing levels, contract services more efficiently done by others, and stick to the fundamental services of a city: water, sewer, police protection, streets.
We need to stay out of areas government should not be involved in. Having to get building permits for shingling and other intrusive city bureaucracy does not make sense in tough economic times! Just because every other government wants to get more and more into our lives, this city should not!
As funds allow, where do
you think the city could
be spending more?
What types of tax increases
(if any) would you support as a council member?
What should the community do to make Paynesville attractive from the new Highway 23 bypass?
How can Paynesville
businesses entice highway traffic to continue to stop in Paynesville?
Now businesses have to work harder to give the increased traffic numbers a reason to want to come to their stores. Personal, friendly service, great food, smalltown relationships, and great products will encourage people to want to shop and to continue to shop businesses that meet that common goal all shoppers want. There are many small businesses, in very small towns, off any main road, that turn out hundreds each week for some creative weekly events. Those business have figured out what people want and make it happen over and over again.
We can be a small part of marketing our community, but at the end of the day, businesses themselves will have to work together, and individually, to create the excitement and good feelings of coming here and coming back, over and over again.
What is the city's role
in promoting Paynesville
to Highway 23 traffic?
How important is having
a full-time police chief
to the city?
When our former chief decided to leave, I believe it was important to raise that very question and so I did. Once again, asking the questions does not mean you'll get the answer one want to. With a $400,000 police budget, $85,000 of that for a chief, I believed we could better invest in our officers and equipment by outsourcing the management of the department and put more resources in our own street patrol. I did not think having one fourth of our overall budget sitting behind a desk was a wise move.
Stearns County Sheriff's Department Lieutenant Robert Dickhaus did an outstanding job of cooperating with us during this transition. This council, on a 3 to 2 vote, decided we needed a chief.
So be it. Now it is my goal to help get the best chief we can. I have been directly involved in reviewing the recent 15 good applications, interviewing the five that made the cut, and then conducting the interviews.
What is your long-term
view for police coverage
in Paynesville?
What type of relationship
should the city council have with its employees?
We are not in our positions to be friends with everyone! We and they have very dif ferent roles, and those roles will only be respected if we both perform those roles to the highest ability.
Prior to my election eight years ago, this city was sued two different times by previous administrators. We all have learned one thing in our lives; if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting! Past councils will have to answer questions about previous lawsuits and previous staffs.
Today, most of our city employees are working hard for our council and taxpayers. Most have risen to the occasion and are working cooperatively to serve our community well. I will continue to encourage that great work and ask for an honest day's work for an honest day's pay. I will never ask any employee to do anything but their job and nothing that I haven't done myself. It is no surprise that high expectations return higher outcomes! It's also no surprise that not everyone likes being held accountable.
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