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Notes from the Paynesville Historical Society. . .

Museum open for season

By Jennifer Gully

The Paynesville Area Historical Museum is open for another season. The museum will be open until Thursday, Aug. 31. This year, the museum's hours are as follows: Tuesdays through Saturdays, 11 a.m. until 4 p.m., and Sundays, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The museum is a great place to learn about local history. We give guided tours and provide a wide selection of resources for research.

The Paynesville Area Historical Museum was begun in 1969 by Bertha Zniewski. We have collected many artifacts since then.

This summer, our task is to start a physical inventory, so that we know more details about our artifacts and can locate them easily.

If you have information about history or artifacts in the museum, please contact us. We want to know as much information as possible about each artifact in the museum.

Near the end of this summer and early next fall, we will begin reorganizing the museum. Our goal is to have a timeline theme in the museum that describes important dates in Paynesville's history. Due to this large project, we are in need of volunteers for the summer and fall. Please contact the museum if you would be interested in volunteering.

Thanks to all of the people that helped with the museum in the past year. Your time and donations were appreciated. We look forward to another great season at the Paynesville Area Historical Museum.