Paynesville Press/Plus Classifieds

Employment Opportunities

HAWICK COMMUNITY CHURCH, a Spirit filled non-denominational congregation, is seeking a Part-time Pastor, for a small congregation of believers. We are seeking a Pastor who must be a Bible base... devoted follower of Christ. An ideal candidate is an experienced Pastor with a gift to preach, teach; also able to equip the Church for service, evangelism, revival, and discipleship. If interested, please email your resume to or mail to Hawick Community Church 15988 232nd Ave Hawick MN 56273.

AUTO BODY PAINTER/ REPAIR TECHNICIAN NEEDED. Some experience required. Please call 320-764-5745 or apply in person at Ron's Collision 101 State Hwy 55 Watkins, MN.

Event Rentals

EVENT RENTALS. Tents, tables, and chairs - all available for rent. Delivery and set-up also available. Call 320-492-4036.

In Search Of

LOOKING TO BUY GOLF CART. Wanting something gently used and in good condition. Preferably gas with rear seats. Please call 917-743-2023.

WANTED: Antique whisk(e)y signage, memorabilia and decanters. The older, the better! Please contact Ethan at 320-492-3869 for more information.

Painting Services

Roof & Steel
Building Exterior
Painting Specialists
Commercial & Farm
Roof Coating
Call Danny * 320-492-8264

Professional Services

* Napkins
* Anniversary
* Folders
* Personalized Stationery
* Business Cards
* Letterheads

We now have Thank You notecards with envelopes! 10 for only $1.50

For all your personalized paper needs
See us at
The Paynesville Press

211 Washburne Ave., Paynesville

Storage Rental

STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT. 3,600 square feet available for icehouses, snowmobiles and other winter equipment. Storage Sheds for sale or rent. Sized at 36 feet by 48 feet. Paynesville area. If interested call 320-492-0374.

Land Wanted

WANTED: LAND TO RENT OR BUY. Mages Welle, LLC. Jim: 320-248-6564, Zack: 320-492-3281.

HUNTING LAND WANTED: Looking for hunting land to lease around the Paynesville, Eden Valley, Litchfield or surrounding areas. Please call Scott at; 320-267-1534.

All classified advertising runs in the
Paynesville Press and Eden Valley-Watkins Voice, weekly subscription newspapers;
and are placed on the Internet at

Regular line ads are $8 for the first 25 words
and 25¢ per each additional word.

All ads can be placed by phone: 320-243-3772 or 1-888-223-1371, or e-mailed:

Ads MUST BE PRE-PAID by cash or credit by Monday at 12-noon for guaranteed placement.

Approved business accounts may be billed out if in good standing.

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